Letter To The Past

Letter To The Past...

I would tell myself many things. I've learned a lot this year about just photography alone! One thing i've learned is not use the first idea I have for a project. The first idea I have is probably the same first idea as everyone else around me, I want the most original idea I can think of. I've also learned to not procrastinate taking pictures because it's more stressful when I have to rush to get it done. At the start of this year I thought that I would never understand photoshop but, I actually love photoshop and I think i've improved a lot.


I chose this Project (the cubism project) because I tried really hard on it and I really like the results. I found out from this project that I really like cubism and I would love to do it again. One thing i'd improve is that I believe I went a little overboard and i could have just stick to what I originally did but, I have my too much gene and I... did too much. It still looks good but, I could have just settled with what I had but I was too excited that I was doing good I overdid it. I still really enjoyed this project and how I did it.


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